Mukti Ariawan

Patung Pemuda Membangun / Youth Advancement statue - Jakarta


Patung Pemuda Membangun is a 24.9 meter Soviet-style dark-grey terrazzo statue which stands on a roundabout at the south end of Jalan Jenderal Sudirman. The roundabout marks the entrance to the Kebayoran Baru subdistrict in South Jakarta. The statue was erected to inspire people to participate in the nation's building, especially the youths of the new nation. The name Pemuda Membangun ("Youth Advancement") was chosen to inspire young people. The design of the statue shows a near naked young man shouting while holding a plate containing a flame above his head, his sinews and muscles strain at full effort. The flaming plate symbolizes youth taking forth light into the future.

The statue was presented by Pertamina for the government of Jakarta to celebrate the 445th anniversary of Jakarta in 1971, at that time headed by Ibnu Sutowo.

The monument was designed by a team of sculptors known as Biro Insinyur Seniman Arsitektur (The Bureau of Engineer Artists Architecture) led by Imam Supardi. Munir Pamuncak was responsible for the construction. Construction of the monument started in July 1971. The construction was scheduled to be finished on October 28, 1971, in time for the celebration of the Youth Pledge Day. However completion was delayed until March 1972.


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